
Courses for various products are available throughout the year at various locations. Experienced consultants provide in-depth instruction reinforced with hands-on assignments. There are courses for both the novice and the expert. In addition to the scheduled courses listed below, courses can be taught at your location with a standard or custom curriculum.

For more information about any of the courses, click here.

Course Descriptions and Schedule


The course covers all the functionalities of Haverly web-based Crude Oil Management Evaluation Tool: viewing and comparing crude assays; calculating netback values for a specific region, country or operator refinery; and estimating breakeven prices for opportunity crudes.


H/CAMS Crude Assay Management: Complete Training (Basic & Advanced Topics)

This course covers a complete training and all the essential topics of Haverly’s crude assay management software, H/CAMS. H/CAMS has gone through a complete makeover starting with the new user interface and with the new separation technology. The course will cover the concept of crude re-cutting and how to configure H/CAMS to obtain best representation of product streams produced in your operations.

 MUG 2024 Montreal Users Conference September 25-27, 2024 

Petroleum & Refining Basics

This course provided by Joe Barth will offer participants a brief introduction to the basics of the petroleum refining industry. The program will initially review crude oil supply and petroleum product demand, then it will address such issues as crude oil qualities, refinery configurations, product mix and planning. This course is intended for anyone wishing to further advance their career in petroleum refining by starting at the basics of the industry. The course is for everyone in the refinery/petrochemical industry, including traders, process engineers, process control engineers, operations personnel and planners. The seminar is also useful for anyone in support functions: law, medical, purchasing, controllers, security, public relations and human resources. No prior knowledge of refining/petrochemicals required. Newcomers and new managers are especially welcome!


This course covers the basic development and application of GRTMPS planning models. The course covers in detail types of data that are regularly changed by users, including purchases and sales prices and limits, process limits, and product. In addition to familiarizing attendees with the technology and terminology of linear programming, they will learn what is required to define a planning model. Students will then use GRTMPS to perform basic modeling operations, as well as further being exposed to its techniques and capabilities.

 MUG 2024 Montreal Users Conference September 25-27, 2024 

Intermediate GRTMPS: Relationships

In this course we will deal in depth with various modeling relationships common to GRTMPS. These relationships include those between: streams (ratios, percentages, groupings, interactions, integer controls for logic and discrete values), locations (multi-location and transportation modeling), periods (multi-period and inventory modeling), the model and the matrix (LP matrix and solution structure), and finally current and future plant configurations (capital investment modeling).

Advanced GRTMPS: Process Unit Modeling

This course will start with basic delta-base modeling and then move on to quality transfer, AR / PSI for non-linear modeling, cut point optimization options, and block operation. We will look behind the scenes at the equations and into the recursion log to track behavior, using that knowledge to build accurate and reliable LP representations of process units.

 MUG 2024 Montreal Users Conference September 25-27, 2024 

The class schedule is subject to change.